Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Coffee Joulies

Coffee Joulies work with your coffee to achieve two goals. First, they absorb extra thermal energy in your coffee when it’s served too hot, cooling it down to a drinkable temperature three times faster than normal. Next, they release that stored energy back into your coffee keeping it in the right temperature range twice as long.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Bistro Coffee Grinder

Improve the flavor of your coffee by using fresh ground beans from the Bodum Bistro Coffee Grinder. Sporting stainless steel blades and a cord storage area in the base, the Bistro also offers a transparent lid, letting you watch your fresh beans become brew-ready, and it's available in black, green, orange, and red, ensuring there's one to match your kitchen or office decor.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Campo de Luz

Today we spent some quality time at Guatemala's highlands, where the Saul E. Mendez fashion show Campo de Luz was held (in the middle of a cropping field). Nice weather, nice place, nice show, at the end we gathered up with friends and shared some wine. These kind of activities pull you apart from the daily routine.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Coffee Cups

Sometimes a fine porcelain can be medium to express your point of view and drink your favorite P11 roast as well.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Waiting for The Rainy Season

These small coffee plants are waiting for the rainy season to be planted, 3 to 5 years later they will begin to produce our delicious Guatemalan coffee.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Conceptual Work

This song takes a different direction after seeing its conceptual video. For me it is a master work!