Inspirado en las motos reales y los deseos que viajan a través de los juguetes, hice estas piezas como parte de mi serie de objetos que trata de abordar ese tema y los fenómenos del consumismo, neocolonialismo y violencia.
Hace unos años en una visita a un mercado de antigüedades en Buenos Aires me encontré con una vitrina que exhibía carritos metálicos idénticos a los que yo había tenido cuando niño, en un impulso hubiera querido comprarlos todos, aunque opté finalmente solo con llevarme unas fotos de ellos, estas imagenes me transportan inmediatamente a tiempos y lugares específicos a finales de los 60's y principios de los 70's.
Guatemala’s Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire), erupted on the morning of September 13, 2012. The eruption included ash emissions to the west, and a 500-meter (2,000-foot) long lava flow.This natural-color image captured the eruption as it occurred. The NASA image was acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard the Terra satellite.
The Monster is the perfect synthesis between sports performances, aesthetics and daily riding pleasure. Cared for in each single detail, it is the ideal bike for each riding style and represents the utmost evolution of the naked motorcycle style.
Guatemala has a rich variety of complex soils. Its amazing diversity of microclimates delivers coffee with very singular characteristics. We have selected the best and carefully cultivated Arabica beans from our fertile Highlands, harvested by skillful hands; it is blended among selected Guatemala's coffee regions and roasted very tenderly to deliver an exotic drink with complex flavors and an incomparable aroma. P11 will delight you by giving you an opportunity to recognize the subtleties of premium coffees coupled with an intense sensory experience.