Monday, July 20, 2009

Pacaya Volcano

Pacaya is one of the more than 35 volcanoes spread throughout Guatemala highlands. An active, unpredictable volcano that recently dumped tons of volcanic sand on Guatemala City, 18 miles away! This volcano provides a constant show of ash clouds and lava flow. We were there yesterday and the experience was wonderful.

Pacaya Volcano


  1. As always, great photos! I am also a huge fan of volcanoes - they are so impressive and awe-inspiring. Visiting Volcanoes National Park in Hawai'i was my only experience close-up so far. They remind us of the immense power of nature, and of how small we really are by comparison.

    I think that I see someone's adorable daughter here...and, I want to say "thank you" for becoming a Follower on my blog.

  2. :) yep, she's my little daughter. Volcanoes are guilty for Guatemala's very fertile soil :)
