Monday, September 21, 2009

Coming Around Again

Every time I close a circle of certain activities they come alive again, with new points of view, new ways to enjoy them and sometimes I feel how progress is getting. Stay away days, weeks or months of the tasks I love to do keep me positive and eager to initiate a new round. Recently I acquired some outstanding coffees again from Juan Diego's farm and from the region of Antigua. My team gathered again and we spent some quality hours designing a new flavor blend to introduce soon in Café P11 for the next season (by the way I choose how long the Café P11's flavor season will be). Design coffee blends is one of the things I love the most, because it takes me apart from art or visual design that are the tasks I do more often. Here I post some snapshots of the process. If you have questions I will try my best to answer them.


  1. I love coffe follow me and iwill follow you check me out at
